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Tuition Fees Review


S Squared Insights offers an authoritative data science lead approach that empowers you to navigate fee setting with confidence and clarity. We specialise in reviewing and benchmarking competitor fees, leveraging our proprietary database, to provide unparalleled depth and detail of analysis.

Key Features

We go beyond the surface, delving into the data to provide insights and fee suggestions at individual programme level. Our unique perspective on the market means that we are able to balance risk with the identification of unrealised surplus. Our powerful data science approach means our Tuition Fee Review is adaptable, granular, and detailed.

Custom Competitors

Our adaptive methodology means we can incorporate a wide variety of meaningful competitors at programme level.

Price Elasticity

Through analysing programme level price movements, we can advise on price sensitivity and recommend increases for individual courses.

Sector Overview

Our sector overview positions your institution and subject areas against the wider market, summarising broader price movements of relevant competition.

Granular Analysis

We can provide granular and detailed analysis at programme level, for all programmes across a portfolio to identify opportunity areas.

For more information, get in touch


The benefits of fine-tuning fees can be exceptional. If we assume that fees generate a surplus of 10%, then each £1 identified through our Fee Review is equivalent to generating £10 of new income. Our team of data scientists and practitioners are dedicated to providing you with the information you need to set fees with confidence.

High levels of inflation are placing unprecedented strain on University finances meaning that optimising fee income is more vital than ever. We are experienced at working collaboratively with senior academic and professional service colleagues, building trust and confidence while providing clarity and increased value. Our unique data science-based approach means that we can interrogate huge volumes of competitor data with unequalled pace and accuracy.